Worst Week of Mine.

I don't really know how to express feeling on paper.But this feeling i have right now are so disturbing ,its the combination of the weaknesses-its been 4 days now i hope it last just for a week.

You know what the feeling is .its like sometimes you not belong to anyone (human) and so emotional like ready to cry anytime ,sensitive to any hard word ,

I pray for cure every seconds.Maybe its a god test or human nature.

All of the things happen not like all the time of the week ,its sometimes .But still who's like it kan?
I just pray for the best Insyallah :)

I feel so much better now ,alhamdulilla..
that miserable feels just for temporary you know ;)
Production like this ,just a dream of mine :)

Di sebalik "Hari Raya"

Eid Mubarak bukan sekadar untuk beraya.See it trough deeper angle.Fahami takbir raya Allah ada sampaikan sesuatu ..

Terjemahan Takbir Raya
Allah Maha Besar
Tiada tuhan melainkan Allah
Allah Maha Besar
Dan segala puji bagi Allah
Maha suci Allah pada pagi dan petang
Tiada tuhan melainkan Allah
Tiada Tuhan yang disembah melainkan Allah
Dengan ikhlas kami beragama kepadanya
Walaupun orang kafir membencinya 
Tiada tuhan melainkan Allah sendirinya
Benar janjinya
Dan dia mengurniakan kemenangan kepada hambanya
Dia mengusir musuh Nabinya dengan sendirinya

Firman Allah ada mengatakan tentang Aidilfitri ini ,
 Dan supaya kamu cukupkan bilangan puasa (sebulan Ramadan), dan supaya kamu membesarkan Allah kerana mendapat petunjuk-Nya, dan supaya kamu bersyukur. ”
Surah Al-Baqarah :185

"Sometimes when I reach one level of calmness because of Allah ,all the social network things became sources of corruption to me"-
Sometimes me.