My Personality test result.

So recently ive made a personality test yang me-exposekan peribadi kita based on few questions yang perlu dijawab.I always wanted to know my real personalities and i was like "Ada tak apps apa apa yang boleh identify personality kita based on kita punya natural act" So bila google finally found it.You guys pun boleh buat nanti ,i bagi link later .

So the questions basically dia tanya kita punya respond toward some situation untuk dia mengenal pasti level level kita.Its quite interesting sebab kebanyakan kita tak tahu pun sifat semulajadi kita ,this will help we stick to a solid personality yang tak membuatkan kita cepat terikut-ikut dengan orang lain.

So ,this is my result.The strength and even the weaknesses (im not afraid to show my weaknesses you see).So basically as i compare to the real me its almost true on everything.p/s this psychology test were made by professionals.(ENFJ is my type of personality combination)

ENFJ Strengths

  • Very charismatic. ENFJ personalities are charming and popular. They instinctively know how to attract and keep people’s attention, as well as communicate with them effectively.
  • Altruistic. ENFJs are warm and selfless, always willing to help other people. They are idealists, motivated by the idea of doing something good for the world.
  • Skilled imitators. ENFJs find it very easy to notice what drives, motivates, and worries other people, and they are instinctively able to adjust their own manners and arguments accordingly.
  • Natural leaders. ENFJ personalities do not seek to dominate or direct, but people are attracted to their charisma and eloquence. Not surprisingly, ENFJs usually end up being very popular and rarely have any difficulties getting to leadership positions.
  • Tolerant. People with this personality type tend to be open-minded and accepting, willing to consider competing ideas as long as they do not contradict their inner principles. ENFJs can easily get along with most other types.
  • Reliable. ENFJs work hard for causes they consider important. If their role excites and motivates them, an ENFJ can be very patient and reliable.

ENFJ Weaknesses

  • Sometimes too selfless. ENFJs may often take on too much work or get deeply involved in other people’s problems, trying too hard to not offend or disappoint anybody.
  • Very idealistic. People with this personality type can often be too idealistic or even naïve, believing that everyone is good-natured and cares about principles that are important to the ENFJ.
  • Often too sensitive. Deep down, ENFJs are sensitive and emotional individuals who can get hurt and disappointed very easily. They may also worry too much about other people’s feelings and well-being.
  • Vulnerable to criticism. ENFJ personalities have a strong inner core of principles and values, and they can get very hurt if someone criticizes them. ENFJs may also have difficulties reacting calmly to general criticism and negativity.
  • May find it difficult to make tough decisions. Due to their altruism and sensitivity, ENFJs are likely to struggle with decisions involving hard choices. They may waver between different options, unable to stop thinking about all the possible consequences.
  • Highly fluctuating self-esteem. An ENFJ’s self-esteem depends on whether they are able to live up to their ideals and fulfill their goals, while at the same time making sure that everyone around them is happy. If the ENFJ’s ideas are being constantly criticized or they are unable to help people close to them, their self-confidence is likely to plummet.

This place is so romantic hehe harap berkaitan dengan tittle
ENFJ personalities take dating and relationships very seriously—their dedication and passion are really admirable. Even in early dating phases this is evident; people with this type are prepared to put a lot of time and effort into fostering their romantic relationships. First of all, ENFJs pay a lot of attention to their partners’ needs and desires. Second, they do not shy away from commitments or obligations, doing their best to connect with their partners. Finally, ENFJs do everything they can to feel the pulse of the relationship: they will occasionally ask their partner if everything is fine, whether they need anything else, etc. If there are any concerns at all, the ENFJ will rush to resolve the potential issue as soon as possible.
ENFJs take their obligations very seriously and are likely to do everything they can to create and maintain a solid relationship. Unfortunately, this is also one of the main weaknesses of ENFJs: due to their extraordinary emotional investment in dating and romantic relationships in general, ENFJs are likely to feel a huge sense of guilt and betrayal if the relationship (even if they were still dating) fails. However, this is unlikely to crush the ENFJ.
ENFJ personalities loathe conflicts and criticism, especially when it comes to dating and romantic relationships. They will do everything they can to escape tense situations, including sacrificing their own principles. This can easily lead to resentment and difficulties later on, once both partners realize that the problem has not gone anywhere.
ENFJs should also learn to pay more attention to their own needs and express them clearly, especially while they are still dating. People with this personality type do not need much to feel happy; however, it is crucial that the ENFJ receives some praise and visible affection as well. Otherwise, the balance in the relationship may be disrupted, or their dating partners may see them as insecure.
So if you guys orang yang curious like me ,nak tahu tentang peribadi sendiri boleh buat personality test dekat sini :

Alhamdulillah.Clear Mind as Crystal.

Assalamualaikum and hye ,
So hari ini i'll like to share something great that happen to me :)

You know this "magic" berlaku since i ditimpa sesuatu musibah yang membuatkan hatiku dirobek-robek hehe but everything has gone now.Alhamdulillah. So one day ,when that musibah happen i cry alot and my heart are totally diberikan kepada kepada Allah and yes i still boleh bertindak rasional.

Sejak dari itu my ibadah is getting better,my connection dengan Allah alhamdulillah is getting closer.I just love to think about Him every single time.Since dari itu banyak jugalah dengar dari Dr Asri ,UAI as usual and few books but yes still banyak lagi kena improve.As i surrender myself to him ,'musibah' tu pun tak kekal lama and it just fade away easily.

So ada beberapa perkara penting yang i'd learnt untuk stay connecting w Him.

  1. Pray on Time.Whatever you doing seboleh-boleh tinggalkan and utama kan Allah.
  2. "Astaghfirullah" all the time.We have so many sins.
  3. Our destination is Syurga ,Dunia ni sekejap saja.
  4. Amalkan solat sunat 14 rakaat ini yang Rasulullah kata kalau kita buat akan ada istana kita di syurga nanti.
  5. Recite quran as many as you can kerana dia akan memberi syafaat pada kita nanti.
  6. Setiap input yang masuk dalam minda melalui pendengaran dan penglihatan akan diserap oleh jiwa dan menzahirakan tindakan.jadi jaga 'input' itu sebaik mungkin.
  7. Dengar ilmu agama sebanyak mungkin.
  8.  Lupakan amal ibadat yang pernah kita lakukan ,tapi selalu ingat dosa2 yang pernah kita lakukan.
  9. Bangun pagi terus ingat Allah ,didik hati ingat Allah sepanjang hari.
Hopefully dengan few amalan2 kita dekat Allah akan menzahirkan lebih banyak positive output. Allahurabi your mind will feel free as bird flying at the sky. Semoga kita mati dalam iman dan semoga tidak akan lagi perasaan cintakan dunia.

After diploma and Orphan House

Assalamualaikum and hye,
This is just a random post sebab as i wake up this morning i can feel there are so much positive energy inside me and i decided to luahkan disini..Bisakan?(Bolehkan)..

Lately ive been thinking about apa yang saya  harus buat to pursue my dream ,I keep imagine it so i get the feel .Seperti berangan dahulu dan disusuri dengan action inshaAllah.

Career after finished Diploma.
Tidak seperti yang lain ,i dont continue my study and i decided to pursuing my dream right away.I can feel that this is my field.As long as you have a big dream its okay to start small. Alhamdulillah i got my full support from my mother and abang-abang.Bukan kata dah tak nak study inshaAllah i will further till master when i got myself stable in my Business.

Entrepreneurship is the area where you can make 100 of thousands to million RM ,its not that easy but its not that hard. Most of my friends yang sudah berada di sini ,they always believe in rezeki Allah.Nothing is Impossible remember.Besides ianya bukan kerana duit semata.

Orphan's House
One of the reason yang motivate me on stay strong is i always want to build Orphan House yang juga dijadikan pusat tahfiz. Kasih sayang yang dikongsi bersama itu juga akan menjadi kekuatan when im at the bottom of the wheel someday. Besides, can you imagine the reward Ya Allah Ya Rahman it makes me want to die right away. I am not an ulama' i believe that this can help me in akhira to go to janna InshaAllah :')

Daripada Abu Ummah diceritakan bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda yang bermaksud: “Barang siapa yang membelai kepala anak yatim kerana Allah SWT, maka baginya kebaikan yang banyak daripada setiap rambut yang diusap. Dan barang siapa yang berbuat baik kepada anak yatim perempuan dan lelaki, maka aku dan dia akan berada di syurga seperti ini, Rasulullah SAW mengisyaratkan merenggangkan antara jari telunjuk dan jari tengahnya.” (Hadis riwayat Ahmad)
Mengulas hadis riwayat Ahmad itu, Al-Hafizah Ibnu Hajar Al-Asqalani berkata: “Cukuplah sebagai bukti yang menetapkan dekatnya kedudukan Nabi dengan kedudukan orang yang mengasuh anak yatim, kenyataan bahawa antara jari tengah dan jari telunjuk tidak ada jari yang lain.”


Me: Assalamualaikum Dear Readers,Boleh saya minta izin untuk story everything kat sini.
You: Sure..

Setiap manusia ada pemikiran masing masing,ada life masing-masing.So i dont know how you're enjoying you One Time Living that was given by Allah,there are few thing yang kita harus amalkan dan Ingat sampai malaikat cabut nyawa.Esp remaja sama baya dengan saya.

Ingat mata yang sedang baca ,Minda yang tengah berfungsi ini adalah kuasa-Nya.Allah beri pinjam pada kita Roh and Jasad.Apabila bunyi tiupan sangka-kala ,atau tercabutnya Roh dari Badan Kita semua akan kembali pada Dia.

Otak kita perlu diberi makan ,macam perut juga kalau tak makan sakit kalau makan benda bukan bukan nanti tak sihat.Otak juga perlu makanan yang baik,so Read and Discover banyak ilmu pengetahuan dari Allah yang belum kita tahu.Apabila luas pemandangan semakin Tinggi IQ ,kata kata yang dikeluarkan pun cantik semoga menyenangkan orang lain juga.

Buang jauh jauh rasa benci dekat orang,dengki It means our heart are sick.sayang orang di sekeliling kita always imagine what you give you'll get back dari Allah.Allah maha penyayang ,ambil sikit sifat-Nya.

Allah limpahkan rezekinya di Atas Muka Bumi ini Di Langit-Nya,jadi Berusahalah untuk mendapat kesenangan Duniawi dan Akhirat.Semoga apabila hidup senang dekat Dunia ni mudah untuk kita beribadat dan hindari kufur dengan Allah.

So basically this is the base yang kita simply boleh practice ,Wallahu'alam, moga kita dapat living a life yang super ExtraOrdinary.InsyaAllah.

Need a happy life? Besides amalkan ibadat utama PLEASE do Sedekah dekat orang yang memerlukan.You will a difference yang sangat amazing.Always bersyukur ,InsyaAllah.

THANK YOU  for reading.