Wanita yang hampir-Sempurna

Assalamualaikum and hye
So this post i  like to dedicate it to myself.Not because thats what i am but thats what i want to be.I dont know lately keinginan nak jadi someone yang feminin sangat tinggi you know perempuan yang rajin buat kerja rumah ,pandai masak dan sewaktu denganya.

This picture is moving and its sweet.

Im a typical girl ,lagi lagi as a student bila dah duduk kat campus mana la ada masak masak semua ,mengemas pun bilik sendiri tu pun kadang kadang bila rajin.Nampak tak malas bila dah bali rumah mama masak buat kerja rumah pun sekali sekala.Nampak macam bukan perempuan sangat.

Eventhough im good at professional attitude (angkat bakul) but "Saya itu mahu donk jadi wanita mithali" .Perempuan ni kena ada package lembut ,bijak ,rajin ,penyayang ang garang sikit .Baru boleh jadi boss ,boss perempuan kalau garang sangat tak boleh ,baik sangat tak boleh.Dah tiba tiba cakap pasal boss :p

As conclusion , i need to practice daripada sekarang taknak kahwin nanti tak pandai uruskan rumah .Thats what the queen do ,manage herself ,her husband and her EVERYTHING .Agree?

Thank You :)

My first movie "Beyond Silence"

Theme dia memang kena ada kaitan dengan "deaf" .So please dont hentam macam "apa benda ni tak faham pungg..." sebab i'm still a beginner kan? hehe So i just hope that awak faham pun dah okay :D

The summary: 
This is about Adam who just involved in a horrible accident ,because of that he's deaf and he cant even talk .How did he survive in his new world when don't even ready yet.

Hehehe jangan gelak okay.

*Please turn up the volume sebab first music ni  slow sikit and ada silly mistakes on few words*

Investments Game (Campus Edition)

Its online game yang train young generation kita untuk berjinak jinak dengan dunia Investment ni ,Winner price RM200 ,000 (Registration date closes at 11:59pm on 28 October 2012 )
Home page of OSK
Its kind a complicated untuk yg tade basic just like me ,tapi kalau ada minat boleh belajar kan .This game looks professional i like it.Dia siap bagi guide steps for us yang still beginner lagi.

Part of the game are:
Rm 100k will be given as the capital (duit maya la kan)
and check out here fantastic loco www.oskic.com

Just for those yang interest la okay ;)

But why am i posting this? Because kita kena ada banyak lagi benda benda macamni dalam negara kita .Why? sebab this is one of the initiative yang boleh upgrade minda remaja kita kan. 
So start think beyond the normal and play something cool okay ;)

MY FIRST 'KARYA' - Short Film

This is some of the clips.This short film bertemakan 'deaf'.

10 minutes long ,directed by me ,main actor is Syafiq Suezz (picture with sara) ,shoot by Haikal my Classmate .His work is AMAZING ;)

En Amir who is the real deaf teaching hand signal to Adam yang  tak boleh dengar and bercakap since the accident.

Ini Mr.Sam Manager kepada Adam yang reccomend Adam masuk kerja.   

His Girlfriend, Sara ;p (hehe save cost) .

"Deaf with a Purpose. God designed me this way so I do everything by God's Grace" 

Still in editing progress.
Just Hoping that i can go to the next level.Amin..
Will be update really soon.

Terimakasih :)