Preparation of your own body.

Well i just decided this new lifestyle ,it is about macamana kita manage ourself on this earth.Wow bunyi macam poyyo hehe okay so lets found out

1.You Inner preparation
All this while ,kita selalu nak everything perfect yang hanya relate luaran semata CONTOH macamana kita punya appearance dressup ,what to eat ,kos sara hidup ,i love you you love me and more..
Do you know what moves kita selama ni? Our soul roh kita ,how come dia nak jadi baik kalau input kita benda buruk..So lets depends on yang Maha Hidup "Allah SWT" so that we'll refresh our soul completely.Kumpul pahala remember 'purpose of our life'.READ BOOKS ,dont watch TV too much baca buku is the best input.

2.Your Outer preparation
After dah siap step one , and then you can look up after yang benda benda luaran..Tone up your body , work untuk sara hidup ,social living ,your hobby dan lain lain..

okay so this is the Short Message by me.Hope its helping :)