So lately i just actively involve in Filming.Dulu pernah masuk satu competition ni which i tak berapa berkenan and tak puas hati mana dengan result sebab kerja last minute and lack of skills.
But now dah banyak belajar benda baru insyallah maybe boleh buat much more better than before.IN SHA ALLAH

So what is this 3 DAYS PROJECT
Pada beberapa hari yang lalu,i noticed that ada satu movie competition related dengan islamic concept.I really really waiting for that offer to come ,so here it is..
Tapi yang membuatku kaget adalah kok tarikh luput 30 April ,gimanaaa..
Thats why wujudnya 30 hari which i will make this movie within 3 DAYS ONLY not more not less ,so that i got quality that i need.

1st day focus on research,planning and shooting.
2nd day still shooting plus editing at night.
3rd day editing for whole day..

And post it at 25th April,IN SHA ALLAH
wish me luck:)

So this movie i will make is about "Islamic Generation #Knowledge"
I'll tell you very soon,buhbye..