Beware of music that destroying us

Bila dah dengar lagu ,our mind macam ta blei na fikir apa .Layan dah tu ada siap kata "lirik dia sedap ouh" without notice yang NOWADAY those music were POISON .The worst is anak muda islamic melayu kita siap cakap 'Okay ni lagu yang motivate aku sekarang'.

If you just realize about this ,sekarang lagu banyak sangat unsur sex yang sampai membuatkan kita dah takde rasa apa dah.Besides,love songs with lyrics yang melampau-lampau memuja your boyf/girlf ni .If you were married then its okay but im talking about those teenagers yang still muda but what happend? Their mind are full dengan stuff like 'aku sayang dia sepenuh hati'.Whats up with that?

One of the lyrics by Snoop Dog
Girl, let me pop up in your hot tub
Every night every day,
Sippin' on a different drink
Different chicks, different tastes
I do it different ways

Man if you are person yang ambil berat ,this is too much pendedahan to teenagers.This brought them to wild environment.For teenagers ,find your identity .So no matter what they did they can never touch us.

Musics are good for sometimes,it gives you energy but overdose it goes sucks ,its destroying your mind.Its all about how you react on what i just said .Some people may say 'open sikit boleh tak?' .Keep being ego ,i got nothing .Dapat pahala sampaikan pun dah cukup :)