Letter to Him

Dear my future man,
You are the person that was created as my guardian .By saying my 'guardian' sy berharap awak seorang yang responsible dengan orang sekeliling awak sendiri. Because i really need someone yang boleh protect me from pain.Just so you know ,im not hoping for someone with perfect face .What is really important to me is seseorang yang menjaga agama dia so thats dia boleh membawa keluarga dia masuk syurga :)

Dear my man ,can you promise me that you akan jaga akhlak awak sendiri .Setiap perempuan inginkan seorang lelaki yang baik dalam hidup dia ,but dont worry if this sounds unfair sebab i'll always preparing myself as a good girl .Tapi jangan lupa tentang sesuatu perkara ni .Please be in a good career so that you can take care of your family.Because when i have you ,i'll be depends on you.Be smarts dan boleh lead me in a good way.Dont thinks something that wasting your time.

I wont ask much .But what makes woman more happy if they have right man besides her.This is hopes that i wish that wiill come true .insyallah ..